The director Farnaz Arbabi describes the play They will drown in their mothers’ tears by Johannes Anyuru. The play premiered at Unga Klara and the film was one of eight films that Azusa Street Productions made for the festival.
A web film for the Swedish broadcast company UR. The film is published on UR’s Youtube Channel Orka plugga.
Mitsubishi Electric
An instruction film for Mitsubishi Electric showing how easy you can install an ventilation system by yourself. The film is published on Mitsubishi Electric’s Swedish Youtube channel.
A film produced for the Swedish broadcast company UR. The film is published on UR’s YouTube channel Orka plugga to inspire young people to not fall for peer pressure.
Mitsubishi Electric / The Basement
A Swedish and Japanese coworker installs a rock heat pump in a villa in Stockholm. The film displays the product Geodan from Mitsubishi Electric.
Mitsubishi Electric
Can the installer of a heatpump be portraited like a hero? Of course! This is a corporate production for Mitsubishi Electric that demonstrates the easy installation of a heat pump in a family home. The film is well viewed at the Youtube channel of Mitsubishi Electric.
Second hand store
This is a film for the second hand store Ge för livet. The purpose of the film is to show the diversity of products in the store. The film was released at the store’s Facebook page and went viral. It had 15 000 views during the first week.
MegaNews is an online print-on-demand news stand for a sustainable future. The selection is printed at once and delivered in two minutes. The technique means 60 per cent less emissions of greenhouse gases than traditionally sold magazines. Azusa Street Productions has contributed with script, animations and directing. The film is produced in co-operation with Adaktusson … Read More
Mitsubishi Electric
This is a corporate production for Mitsubishi Electric that demonstrates the easy installation of a heat pump in a family home. This film follows the entire installation process and displays how effortless the heat pump Ecodan can be installed. The film is well viewed at the Youtube channel of Mitsubishi Electric.
The Swedish Encyclopedia
This film about knowledge was produced for the Swedish encyclopedia. This film explores what knowledge means to children and teenagers. How do you receive your information – and how do you know that it is true? The film was showed at The Day of Knowledge in Stockholm in connection with a panel discussion about the … Read More